New Year, New Closet
Hi friends!
Happy New Year! :) This year I am going to add a blog section to the website (obviously lol) to discuss tips, tricks, style hacks and all the things. To start off for the first ever blog post we are going to delve into closet organization & how I have my clothing organized to make it easy peasy to get ready.
Let's get started!
First things first, you want to get your tops organized by sleeve length. Here's a pic of my closet. From left to right I have
1. Sweaters
2. Long Sleeve into 3/4 Length Sleeve
3. Tanks & Sleeveless Tops
Once you have that organized by sleeve length, I colorize within each group from light to dark. I start with white, beige into the rainbow and end with the darkest color black.
Examples below:
For bottoms I keep on the bottom row. Tops on top. My bottoms are separated by work/dress pants, denim, then skirts/shorts. Again, I colorized within each category. From light to dark- left to right.
Continue with the same organization structure but also categorize by dress/jumpsuit length. In my closet I go from short length to long length, cocktail dress to maxis.
The jacket section I created I did not do by sleeve length but by style of jacket. I have blazers with blazers, raincoats, dressy jackets, casual etc.
Shoes are like jackets, organize by style then colorize!
Ta da! Finished!
To have everything look extra sharp have all the same hangers. That's something I would like to do to be aesthetically pleasing but that's A LOT of hangers that I will need to switch out and I really don't want to be wasteful. So we will see if that ever happens lol.
I also would like to get handbag dividers for one of my top shelves that I did not show here.
Hope this helps if you do not know where to start when organizing your closet! :)
Have a happy week!
XOXO Amber